wtorek, 27 grudnia 2016

Mary Christmas from HEAD Nepal Family

Dear HEAD Nepal Members, Friends and Supporters,
We on behalf of entire HEAD Nepal family would like to wish you all a
Happy New Year 2017 and Mary Christmas!!! May your dream come true!
May the year 2017 bring happiness, joy, peace, prosperity, love,
compassion and all the success in your life!!! May you accomplish all
unfinished works as you desire!

 This year has been filled with a number of wide-reaching activities
and critical programs that we are so very proud of and we could not
have done without your support. On behalf of the Board and staff of
the Himalayan Education And Development (HEAD Nepal) our deepest
thanks for your support, which really helped to make 2016 a strong
year of pathways forward, as HEAD Nepal continues its educational
intervention, capacity building activities and advocacy work on behalf
of the Himalayan rural disability community of north-western Nepal. We
appreciate your support and commitment to HEAD Nepal’s mission, and
expect the same in the future as well! We truly could not do without
your support!

 In Simikot Humla, this past year HEAD Nepal continued the Head Vision
Home (HVH), the residential educational center for the 25 children
with visual impairment and also continued the vocational/skill
building training for adult people with disabilities through the
project Head Skill Development Center (HSDC) which trained 30
participants on sewing/cutting, webbing skills and Christel Jewels
making training only this year.

 Another two more great achievements in the past year are the
successful operation of the Head Mobile School (HMS) in 10 Village
Development Committee (VDCs) benefiting more than 65 children with
physical and visual disabilities and establishment of the Head Enable
Home (HEH), the second residential educational center at Simikot Humla
for the children with physical/mobility disability where currently 15
children are enrolled and being educated.

 Similarly, this year has been fruitful for us in terms of
organizational development, as we have developed a numbers of
policies/rules/regulation and took a step of preparing strategic
plan/vision and also expand our partnership and networking in much
wider level.

 As we embark on a new year, to include strategic thinking to always
ensure HEAD Nepal is delivering much-needed programs and services to
the disability community in one of the most remote corner of the world
(in the region of Karnali, mid-western Nepal) and engaging our members
in these efforts, we welcome your input and ideas, and continue to
value your friendship and support. Please don't hesitate to contact

Thank You & Happy Holidays!
HEAD Nepal Family!

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